Sustainability Commission

The Sustainability Commission works to support the education, promotion and implementation of environmentally sustainable measures and practices in the City of Richfield. The board also makes recommendations to the City Council regarding sustainability related initiatives and policies.
For more information about sustainability efforts in Richfield, visit the City's sustainability resource webpages.

Meetings are held on  the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the Heredia Room at the Richfield City Hall. 

Interested in being a youth commissioner?

Thanks for considering getting involved! Being on a commission is a great opportunity to put on a college resume, use for service hours, share your opinions on your values and interests, help shape city programs and efforts, build connections, and make a difference in Richfield! Youth commissioner openings are open to be fileld at anytime throughout the year. The youth application is here.

Want to contact the chair of the commission?


If you wish to contact the chair of the board or commission please fill out the Chair contact formIf you have additional questions please contact the staff liaison of the commission, their contact information is listed on the commission website. If you have questions on the form or the process please contact city staff at or by phone at 612-861-9712.

Staff Contact

Rachel Lindholm
Sustainability Specialist