Police Explorers

What is Police Exploring?

The Police Explorer program is designed to introduce youths, ages 14 to 20, to the profession of Law Enforcement.  Explorers attend training in Police procedures such as: Traffic Stop, Traffic Crash Investigation, Burglary Response, Crime Scene Investigation, Domestic/Crisis Intervention, White Collar Crime, Crime Prevention, Interview/Interrogation techniques and more. After attending a firearms safety course, Explorers participate in competitive pistol shoots.

Explorers can also ride a long with a patrol officer on a monthly basis. Explorers assist the Police Department by providing traffic direction and pedestrian control at community events.

Many of the Richfield Explorers participate in State, Regional and National Conferences where they compete against other Explorers to demonstrate their skills/abilities.

How Can You Become a Police Explorer?

Explorers must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be between 14 and 21 years of age and have completed 8th Grade
  • Must be actively enrolled in school and achieving grades of C or higher
  • Must pass a criminal background and reference check


Miranda Wagner mwagner@richfieldmn.gov;
Chris Barber cbarber@richfieldmn.gov;
Hailey Quanbeck hquanbeck@richfieldmn.gov;
Kristian Schultz-Sanchez KSchultz-Sanchez@richfieldmn.gov; or
Angie Figueroa afigueroa@richfieldmn.gov.

Call 612-861-9800 for more information.

The selection process is as follows:

  • Written Application 
  • Panel Interview 
  • Background/Reference Check 
  • Six-month Probationary Period 

Upon successful completion of the probationary period, the Explorer is issued uniforms and becomes a regular member of the POST.