Sack Thongvanh selected as new assistant city manager

Ask anyone who works in municipal government and they will say that the assistant city manager/administrator is the glue that keeps everything together. The position ensures that the gears of government operate smoothly. That is why it is so important to select the right individual for the job. Richfield administration believes it did just that by tapping Sack Thongvanh as the city’s next assistant city manager.

Thongvanh has gained municipal experience through holding posts at five other cities, including Falcon Heights, Albert Lea, Eagle Lake, Sherburn and Northfield.

Currently, Sack Thongvanh is the outgoing city administrator for the City of Falcon Heights.

“Sack Thongvanh is highly-regarded throughout the city administration profession in the State of Minnesota,” said City Manager Katie Rodriguez. “He has demonstrated his impressive leadership skills through a variety of challenging events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the shooting of Philando Castile, and the current volatility in the labor market.”

Thongvanh demonstrated his ability to bring various elements of the community together following the tragic death of Philando Castile in Falcon Heights in 2016.

“All elements of our community were struggling following the death of Philando Castile,” remembered Thongvanh. “My staff and I created community conversations where we found ways to heal together that, in the long run, brought us closer together as a city.”

Richfield’s diverse community was one of the elements that attracted him to the position.

“Richfield has a lot going for it, but I believe its biggest strength is its diversity,” said Thongvanh. “A diverse community allows for different perspectives to be shared with the city’s government and leads to better outcomes. I have seen it before, and I am excited to see it in Richfield.”

Besides being the ‘number two’ at the city, Thongvanh will oversee information technology, communications, motor vehicle services, human resources and government buildings.

“At the City of Richfield, the assistant city manager has the responsibility of ensuring that a lot of behind-the-scenes services, such as human resources, are functioning properly,” remarked Rodriguez. I was a little worried that we might not be able to find someone who has experience in all of those areas, but thankfully Sack has successfully and grown these internal services at his previous municipal administration positions.”

When it came down to making her final decision, City Manager Rodriguez believes that a lot of it came down to ‘fit.’

“Throughout the hiring process, I, along with other directors and staff, just felt like Sack would fit in well at the organization and his skills would make us stronger,” stated Rodriguez.  

Thongvanh will begin his tenure as assistant city manager on February 22.