In-person public meetings return in April

The omicron variant of the coronavirus required Richfield’s city council, commissions and authorities to return to a virtual format for public meetings during the months of January, February and March. With the drastic reduction in cases over the past several weeks, public meetings will return to in-person starting in April 2022. 

“We have done everything possible to ensure our public meetings remain accessible and transparent as the COVID-19 pandemic surged in early 2022,” explained Mayor Maria Regan Gonzalez. “We are eager to return to in-person meetings in April now that our local public health officials have given us the ‘green light’.”

The city council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. 

All other public meeting schedules can be found by visiting:

Residents interested in participating in a public meeting, but concerned about attending in-person, or cannot make a meeting due to a scheduling conflict can still submit feedback either over the phone or by email.

The call-in number for the open forum and public hearings is 612-861-0651. Those interested in submitting comments via email can do so by sending a message to Kelly Wynn at